A pictorial work made with small pieces of stone, ceramic, glass or other similar materials of various shapes and colors, called tesserae, attached with plaster, or other binder to form a geometrical or figurative decorative compositions.
Mosaic made entirely by hand, following the techniques of thousands of years ago.
The used technique is called “Opus Teselarium“, mosaic of tesserae of cubic stones.
In its manufacture were use tesserae of 8mm of natural stone and marble of different colors. It is mounted on a mortar with metal frame ready to hang up on the wall or to be use as a floor covering.
It’s ready to hang up.
Reproduction of a Byzantine mosaic of Ravenna.
Ravenna is the last capital of the Roman Empire of the West and the center of Byzantine Power in Europe (between the 5th and 8th centuries).
Doves from Ravenna. Detail of the Mosaic of the apostles showing two pigeons drinking. The Byzantine mosaics preserved in Galla Placidia are considered the oldest in the city.
Mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Ravenna (Italy).
Angelina1 –
¡maravilloso! me sorprendió al recibirlo lo bien hecho, ¡gracias!