Decorative relief made entirely by hand in Alabaster by an excellent artist.
Relief with oil polychrome and patina of aging. Details and wooden frame gilded.
Impressive finish with an elegant design and very elaborate details.
Polychromed bas-relief inspired in the work of Gustav Klimt, “The Maiden“.
Measures of the relief: Height: 123cm; Width: 79cm; Depth: 5cm.
Weight of the relief: 20kg
This is a sensual and dynamic work, a totally sculptural painting, the relief plays with the forms and the sensual twisting of the bodies. Klimt understood very well the carnal modelling of the female body and as a good connoisseur of its structure, he recreated his ideal woman charged with eroticism.
Cristina –
La textura, los colores y el acabado son espectaculares.Me encantó