At we offer you the possibility of making a personalised portrait sculpture.
Since immemorial times, human beings have wanted to perpetuate their memory or that of their loved ones. One of the best ways to do this is through a portrait sculpture in bust or in relief.
Quality and realism
Many sculptures and portrait busts are commissioned as a personal memento of a family member, others as a memorial, in other cases they are commissioned as a wish to have their own sculpture in life.
The level of realism is always highly satisfactory.
The client will keep track of the work through photographic documentation sent by email.
The most common format is the life-size bust. We also produce busts with part of the torso (Roman emperor model). In some cases the sculpture requested is full-length.
Another modality is the portrait in bas-relief.
The creation of a portrait sculpture is always started by the sculptor with modelling in clay.
The resulting original can then be fired into terracotta. In this case, it can be patinated if desired, imitating stone or bronze.
The clay original can be transferred by means of moulds to more resistant materials:
Reconstituted marble or cast bronze.
Another modality, although the most expensive, is the carving in marble stone by copying dots and later refining.
Creation process
The most common process (it is also one of the most economical in the creation of new works) is the initial modelling in terracotta, to later make a mould that will allow us to enhance a casting with reconstituted marble (marble powder with a resin binder).
Graphic documentation.
In order to create the original, it is necessary that the client provides us with as much graphic documentation as possible. Photographs from different angles and, if possible, a video. Sometimes we have made sculptures with very few photographs and even of an oil painting, but for greater realism it is advisable to have good photographs.
Creation of the original in clay.
The sculpture is modelled in clay following the documentation received. During the process, photographs are sent by email for approval and correction by the client. The original will not be considered finished until we receive confirmation from the client.
If the final material requires it, a silicone mould is made.
The casting is made to obtain the bust in reconstituted marble or to be able to move on to the bronze casting process.
Refinishing and final patination
After the piece has been obtained, it will be refined, polished and patinated if necessary. The finishes on terracotta and reconstituted marble base can be either in aged marble or in bronze imitation patina.
Production times
Los tiempos varÃan dependiendo de la compTimes vary depending on the complexity of the project and the workload of our workshops. They can range from 45 to 90 working days.