Title: Landscape.Original work by Antonio Guerrero Pinín.Technique: Painting oil over canvas on board.Dimensions:35x50cm.Landscape in oil painting of an impressionist style. At the horizon a village of white housesAbout the author: Antonio Guerreo Pinín, a great painter and cartoonist, who at this stage of his life has a special passion for the sea atmosphere of Malaga coast.As a draftsman, he worked for major publishers such as Bruguera or Imperia, he is also comic author of works such as “The Sage of Aznar”, “Ray Norton,” “Radiant of the jungle”. In his artworks he signed only as “Pinin” and in his comics as “A.Guerrero”, “Pinin” and “Tony Warrior”.His paintings now in this stage of his life are usually in the classic imperialist style, mainly seascapes (landscapes and sea motifs), he has a special fondness for the sea.