Reproduction of a Chinese dragon figure made of molded marble (marble powder bonded with resins). Patinated in gold with an aging finish.
Chinese art reproductions, ideal for decoration (living rooms, offices and libraries) and for a distinguished gift.
Width: 73 cm. Depth: 21 cm. Height: 38 cm.
Approx. weight: 4 kg.
Chinese dragon figure, inspired by oriental art.
In the East, the dragon is a symbol deeply connected to Chinese cultural identity. Unlike in the West, where the dragon is associated with evil forces, in China it is portrayed as a benevolent being embodying strength, prosperity, wisdom, and good fortune, symbolizing the power of the emperor and the vital energy of the universe. The dragon is attributed control over rains and bodies of water, and is revered as a symbol of fertility and abundance. In Chinese mythology, these beings are believed to exert a benevolent influence on humanity, protecting it from evil and guiding it toward harmony with the cosmos. The presence of the dragon image in art, as well as in festivals and celebrations such as the New Year, reflects the deep connection the Chinese people have with this symbol.
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