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Greek Warriors against Amazons. Bas-relief. 88x62cm

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Greek Warriors against Amazons. Reproduction of a high-quality classical bas-relief made of molded alabaster (alabaster powder with resins). Aging finish achieved through the application of patinas based on natural earths, giving it the texture and appearance of an ancient piece embellished by the passage of time.

Dimensions of the relief: Width: 88 cm. Height: 62 cm.

Sculpture and relief reproductions, inspired by original pieces from museums, classical art of ancient Greece. Handmade in Spain. Ideal for interior decoration (living rooms, lobbies, libraries, and offices). Relief suitable for outdoor use, such as terraces and gardens, resistant to harsh weather conditions.

Greek Warriors against Amazons. The Frieze of the Greek Warriors is a composition that recreates the combat between the Greeks and the Amazons of Figalia. It is a reproduction of a fragment of the frieze from the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, sculpted by Scopas in the 4th century BCE, currently exhibited in the British Museum in London.

The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus (Bodrum, Turkey) was one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world. This monument was built between 353 to 350 BCE as the tomb of King Mausolus and his wife and sister. Of the monument, now lost, only some sculptures and reliefs from the friezes that surrounded the building remain. Those on the East side depicted the Amazonomachy, the battle between the Greeks and the Amazonian people.

The theme of the Amazonomachy or war against the Amazons was widely represented in ancient Greece, appearing in various artistic forms, from paintings on ceramics to sculptures and reliefs of temples and monuments. In Greek mythology, the Amazons symbolized the confrontation between civilization and barbarism, and they were possibly inspired by the Scythian people, among whose warriors were also women.

Among the most famous Amazons in the myths of Ancient Greece are Hippolyta, whose girdle was the objective of one of Hercules’ Labors, or Penthesilea, who fought against Achilles in the Trojan War.

Reproductions of classical reliefs, with their motifs inspired by classical mythology, bring a special elegance and culture to the decoration of our home.


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